Planning up-coming trips!
My head is spinning round and round, well I mean more than usual :P Trying to plan the up coming trips for the rest of the year but I´m having some problems deciding what trips to make and which ones to save for next year.
As soon as I´m kind of made up my mind, I get affected by what somenone else says... When to go where och where to do what... Think I just need to get my vision clear and then follow that and my heart :)
WHAT I DO KNOW though is this! Next trip coming up is Prauge! Can´t wait! Then there might be another weekend trip in September as well, but I´m keeping this one a secret at the moment :) And in November we are going to Florida for 11 days. Feels weird to say this since I know how obsessed I am about the U.S, but this will actually be my first time visiting USA. I´m super excited! This will be our second trip to a place where Gustav already been. And I´m guessing this trip will be pretty simular to his other trips there, but in one way that feels pretty good, he will know where to go, what to do and how everything works :) The plan is to rent a car and maybe a bike, drive around Florida and make some different stops. And of course a visit to Disney world and Universal studios :)
So far all trips are decided and my mind is very satisfied with my decisions! :) It´s from December I´m not really sure about what choices to make. What I do know is that I will make a 5 week trip. I´ve been going back and forth in my head though about what kind of trip and where to go. My options are something like this:
- 2 weeks Hawaii, 2 week Mexico, 2 weeks LA & San Francisco.
- 2,5 weeks Sri Lanka & 2,5 week Philliphines
- 5 weeks Vietnam (Travelling through the country exploring different parts)
- Aruba, Bahamas, Domician Republic (we miss the DR very much!)
- South Africa, Seychelles
As you can see my mind is going all over the place here... :P I think it mostly depends on that I have to travel during December/January. I´m thinking of weather a lot, and with that in my mind maybe some of the trips abow are better to do another time of the year.
What do you think? You have any suggestions on December/January trips, and YES it´s okey to make my head spin even more and suggest a completely other destination, just keep in mind I love to do and explore as much as possible during my trips :)) Thanks for your help! <3